Canada Solar Team

Your Solar Panel During Canadian Winters

Yes, your solar panel can generate electricity during the winter in Canada. Solar panels work by capturing sunlight and converting it into electricity through a process called the photovoltaic effect. This means they can produce electricity as long as they receive sunlight, regardless of the temperature.

However, there are a few important factors to consider:

Daylight Hours

In winter, days are shorter, which means there is less sunlight available for the panels to convert into electricity. This can result in lower overall energy production compared to the longer days of summer.

Angle of Incidence

The angle at which sunlight strikes the solar panels affects their efficiency. In winter, the sun is lower in the sky, so if the panels are fixed in place and not on a tracking system, they may be less efficient at capturing sunlight.

Snow Cover

If snow accumulates on the solar panels, it can block sunlight and reduce their efficiency. However, most solar panels are designed with a slight tilt, so when it snows, the snow tends to slide off the panels on its own.


Solar panels are actually more efficient in cooler temperatures, up to a point. Extremely cold temperatures can affect the performance of some electronic components, but this is rarely a significant issue in Canada.

Net Metering or Battery Storage

In the winter, you might have more energy needs (e.g., heating), so having a net metering arrangement (where excess energy is fed back into the grid for credits) or a battery storage system can be beneficial.

In summary, your solar panel will work during winter in Canada, but you should be aware that they may produce less electricity compared to the summer months due to shorter days and potentially less direct sunlight. Proper installation and maintenance can help optimize their performance in winter conditions.

Contact us today for more information.

More: Solar Panel Incentives in Canada: A Guide
